Lessons Learned From Two Years of Daily Journaling

I have journaled every single day for the past two years. I’ve written a little bit about my day, including my happiest moment and what made me feel grateful, for the past 730 days. I had wanted one journal to track all of these things. I also wanted to be able to easily reflect on entries from the year before. Unable to find such a journal, I created and published Questions for Life back in 2016. I also added a daily self-discovery question to inspire reflection and personal growth. I love this journal and how easy it is to commit to using since each entry only takes a few minutes. After 730 daily entries, some things have become abundantly clear. Here’s my lessons learned from two years of daily journaling:

Two Years of Daily Journaling

1. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.

Every day is not amazing. Some days simply just “are.” And some days seem full of disappointment, sorrow, or pain. But regardless, there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for because at the very least we have access to food and water and shelter. We can be grateful our loved ones are safe, even when we’re feeling unsafe. And if the day truly seems awful, we can be grateful that no day goes on forever.

The more I wrote down what made me feel grateful, the more I realized just how very much I have to be grateful for.

2. Life is fuller when you appreciate (and look back on) the mundane, rather than just the highlight reel.

People typically have a bad habit of only focusing on the highlights (and lowlights) of their lives. The majority of our days are fairly mundane, however, and it’s up to us to recognize the good stuff. My journal is full of happiest moments comprised of lunchtime walks with my best friend Kathy, enjoying delicious meals, laughing with my gaming friends on Tuesday nights, reading under a blanket on cold Sunday mornings, cuddling with our beloved dog Cooper, date nights with my husband Mike, the satisfaction of productive days, playing in the snow with the neighborhood children, even simply sitting down on the couch on a Friday night after a long week just as a favorite movie is starting on television.

These things may not be worth writing home about, but they were worth noting as my happiest moments, and increase my quality of life. During my second year of journaling I really enjoyed reading what I had written the year before and reliving those happy moments.

3. You may not feel “happiness” every single day, but at the very least you will have reason to smile, laugh, or experience a positive emotion.

Did you ever see the Pixar movie Inside Out? Joy didn’t want any of Riley’s days to be tainted by sadness. In the end, it became clear that happiness and sadness sometimes swirl together, and it’s a beautiful thing. No one day is 100% happy or 100% sad.

For example, I am saddened to share that my mother-in-law, Rose passed away on Thanksgiving. Mike and I were across the country in Washington state. We were shocked and devastated and felt so terribly far from home and Mike’s father and brother. But we were in Washington with my brother and sister-in-law and it was Thanksgiving. And so we celebrated Thanksgiving while we mourned. And that night my brother had friends over for dessert and games and we laughed… a lot.

There have also been bad days when I didn’t get to be with family and play games, but I was able to identify a positive moment, even if it was the relief and comfort of curling up with Cooper under a thick blanket at the end of the day.

2018 Summary

2018 was a tough year full of trials, depression and an intentional writing hiatus that both helped and hurt. Cooper was diagnosed with renal cancer and we had to have one of his kidneys removed. I landed in a hospital this past September with the worst pain imaginable. It was a kidney stone stuck in my ureter. It took nearly 10 hours from when I initially felt the excruciating pain in my back until it finally subsided. Following my hospital stay, I had complications with fluid retention and was put through a myriad of testing. Mike’s mom was sick with Leukemia. We cancelled our trip to Hawaii (we would have left for Oahu today) that I planned last January. There are other things I could mention, but I don’t feel the need. I managed to find a happy or positive moment in all of it, and of course things to be grateful for.

Despite all the trials, there were good days. A trip to a water park, a quick family vacation with Cooper after he recovered, a wonderful joint surprise birthday for my mother-in-law and her brother less than a month before she died…

I take the good with the bad and I’m grateful for all of it and my ability to find the positive in every single day.

Looking Ahead to 2019

Everything that’s happened has brought me to this moment. I’ve been working on this post for two weeks now, but I’m just happy to be writing again. There will hopefully be more of that in 2019, especially since it’s been made clear to me that I’m not done writing, after all. I’ll be playing #minsgame again in January and have already prepped my home office for a new desk coming today. I’m nesting and preparing for a fresh start, and that includes goal and intention setting (of course.)

I have always believed that many things happen for a valid reason and at the right time. The past few months has reiterated that time and time again. Without going into detail, I will say that there has been a lot of synchronicity in my life leading up to the end of 2018, which has put things in motion for an exciting start to 2019.

I wish you all a Happy New Year and a 2019 full of gratitude and happy moments! Thank you for reading.

Looking to increase your quality of life in 2019? May I suggest a daily journaling practice with Questions For Life? It is available on Amazon.

The Magic of Journaling and Reflection

I’ve been journaling in Questions For Life: Two Year Guided Daily Journal For Intentional Living for a year now. Since it’s a two-year journal, I’m at the wonderful point where I can reflect back on what I wrote last year: what I did every day, what my happiest moments were, what I was grateful for, and how I answered the self-discovery questions. I read what I wrote through the end of 2016. It’s been insightful to see what a difference a year has made, and at the same time, where I’m still stuck. Some things that upset me this time last year no longer matter. But there were areas where I was struggling that I still find myself struggling with today. This self-reflection and comparison over a year’s time helps provide an understanding of my emotions, strengths and weaknesses. It provides me with clarity and direction for moving forward. This is the magic of journaling and reflection.

For example, here is the question for December 23: What are you avoiding? Why?

Last year I wrote three things each followed by “because it’s hard.” One of those things I no longer want to do, thankfully. One of those things I’m still avoiding because it’s still hard. And one of those things is still really hard, but guess what, I’m not avoiding it anymore.

I think that question alone is a great example of the difference a year can (and also can’t) make. And now I know one of my 2018 goals needs to be that thing I’ve avoided for two years because it’s hard. I don’t want to still be avoiding it next year, too. I know I can do hard things. It’s time to tackle this one.

This is the magic of journaling and reflection! It is crucial to our well-being to be able to see our change, our growth, and yet also identify where we’re stuck. Not to mention, we tend to have amnesia when it comes to the day-to-day. Reading through my happiest moments from December 2016 has brought back lovely memories that didn’t necessarily make the 2016 highlight reel.

I’ve also been expressing gratitude in this journal every day for over a year now. Not once did I struggle to find something to be grateful for. Many days, I was grateful for things as simple as laughing with friends, a long chat with my oldest brother, being home after a couple days away, or being able to help a friend… Identifying something you feel grateful for every day helps you realize how truly fortunate you really are.

This post is not intended to be an advertisement for Questions For Life (although I highly recommend it not only because I wrote it, but because I use it every day). This post is to share with you the magic of journaling and reflection. This is specifically why I created it as a two-year journal. Journaling alone is reflective and wonderful, but having a direct comparison to what you wrote the year before is where the magic happens. Being reminded of what was going on, what you did, what made you happy… learning from it and growing from it.

I’m enjoying this journal very much. I always look forward to writing in it, but now even more so reading about last year.

Questions For Life is on sale at Amazon right now for $15.99. Although it can be started any time of the year, the new year is a great time. Buy one for a gift and one for yourself and experience the magic of journaling and reflection for yourself.

Questions for Life journal: the magic of journaling and reflection


“Weighting” for My Birthday Wish

11:15, 12:00, 12:30, 12:45, 1:30, 2:00, 2:15… every time I opened my eyes during a restless sleep it was somehow a perfect quarter. Finally, I rose at 4:00 am, a nice even number for this Gemini. You see, today is my birthday. But it wasn’t excitement that kept me from sound sleep. It was uncertainty over whether or not I would get my birthday wish. And by 4:02 am, it was clear that I wouldn’t.

Writing about Weight

I’m going to do something here I’ve never done before. I’m going to write about my weight. I am going to tell you that I crossed the threshold of 200 pounds in July, 2013 and have been over it ever since, maxing out at a shameful 230 at one point. What I won’t do is go into all the contributing factors that lead to this. Not because they’re necessarily private, but because it all boils down to me numbing myself by stuffing food in my face and pouring alcohol down my throat. It was a stressful, dark, angry few years… I coped with food and drink.

Thanks to therapy and incredible tools, this year has finally been different and I’ve been losing the weight. (I will go into more details on this in another post.) But I’ve been feeling good and working hard and my mind has been working with me, rather than against me. And so I made a birthday wish. All I wanted today was to wake up and get on that scale and see a number under 200. That’s all.

This birthday wish has consumed me, especially these past few days as I made all my last ditch attempts to make my wish come true. That included walking 11 miles yesterday, and ending my day in a sauna. I didn’t care if the number was back up over 200 after breakfast, or even a tall glass of water. I only wanted to see 199.9 for a second, just to know it was possible.

And in case you’re thinking it by now, yes, I know I put a lot of emphasis on weight. I always have. I’ve recently realized I have many limiting beliefs wrapped up in weight and numbers. I am still very much on this journey and I still have a long way to go, particularly in this area. But the fact that I am even writing about it today is significant.


Back to my wish. Last night, I knew in my heart I wouldn’t make it. I came home from the gym showered and defeated. “Well, that’s it,” I said to Mike. “There’s nothing else I can do but wait and see.” I wasn’t tired, but I was dejected, so I began my restless night in bed.

I worried how I would feel if my gut (no pun intended) was right and I didn’t get my wish. It would certainly put a damper on my birthday. Probably not wise to start my 35th year throwing a scale and crying in a heap on the floor. I worried what I’d write in this birthday post. I didn’t dare draft one word, not knowing what the outcome would be or how I would possibly feel.

And so at 4:00 am I woke up, used the bathroom, stripped off my clothes and got on the scale. It was a number this Gemini could appreciate. A nice even 202.

I must have matured a bit over my restless night between 34 and 35 because I didn’t kick the scale or cry, or even curse, or feel anything really. In fact, I felt… satisfied? It was like, “Okay, now let’s get on with our day.” I had put so much emphasis on this one second of my birthday and it was over in an instant. I immediately realized that I still got to see a number I hadn’t seen in years (8/22/13 to be exact) and I still managed to lose 7.3 lbs. in 10 days (which is awesome for me).

I didn’t get my wish. But the truth is that I feel great. And I am comforted by knowing I tried my hardest and didn’t give up. I’ll get there. By my estimates, factoring adding back on some water weight and birthday plans, it will take a little over a week. I’m down 28 pounds so far for the year. That’s something to be proud of. I have until the end of June to get down to 190 in order to collect my $1,500 from HealthyWage. (Sign up for HealthyWage by May 30 using this link and add $40 to each of our prize pots in the process.) I’ll get there, too.

34 was a good year. Most significantly, I quit smoking, and continued to come home to myself. I published Questions For Life, traveled to two new places, and started my Integrative Wellness and Life Coaching certification training. I’m proud of myself. And I’m excited for what 35 will bring. After all, I know I can do hard things.

And as for the rest of my birthday, I’m officially on staycation through Monday! I have assorted lovely plans I am very much looking forward to, including lots of time for exercise and catching up on good old fashioned magazines while laying in my hammock. Ahhh… bliss.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for spending another year with me on this journey.

Birthday Girl
Birthday Girl at 5:30 am this morning.

P.S. Questions For Life: Two Year Guided Daily Journal For Intentional Living is still on sale for $15.99 but only through May 31! Order your copy today. And remember, it makes an awesome gift!




What I Learned From My Happiest Moments

“What was your happiest moment this year?” That was the daily question for December 30 in Questions For Life. Even though I wrote the questions, I am experiencing them for the first time as I use the journal for myself. This question stumped me; it made me think. What was my happiest moment? Many memories flashed before my eyes and I recognized a spectrum of nuanced emotions. It took me some time to hone in on the answer. Once I did, I realized the question had a deeper meaning. And that’s when I discovered there was much to learn from our happiest moments…

Through my daily journaling practice throughout all of 2016, I paid close attention. The year isn’t a blur for me. And specific moments of happiness stand out amongst the countless joyful ones I am incredibly grateful to have experienced. Pinpointing my happiest moments was such a good exercise because in identifying and acknowledging our happiest moments I think we are more likely to strive to recreate them. Many people, sadly, don’t seem to know what makes them happy. We generally don’t give our happiest moments the credit they deserve. We allow them to be fleeting.

My Happiest Moments of 2016

1. Beach Days: Reflecting on the year, many of my happiest moments occurred at the beach. The sun, the water, my paddleboard, a good book, relaxation, friends, laughter… it’s a recipe for joy. Emotions are tricky because they are so nuanced. As I sat in my beach chair in shallow water at my favorite spot and looked up from an excellent book and felt the sun on my face and inhaled the scent of saltwater, was it happiness I felt? Or was it joy? Or peace? A combination of many different emotions, I think. My jaw hurt from laughing with special people, my shoulders were at ease with no presence of stress. Days like that are the good stuff. I felt happy…

2. Travel: Other happiness highlights are also peppered throughout my week vacation to Asheville, NC. Quality time with family made me very happy, as did seeing new sights and being surrounded by mountains and fresh air. New experiences, however, made me feel exuberant. Standing in the middle of a forest in the pouring rain waiting my turn to slide down a natural waterfall. Later, swimming full force at the bottom of a waterfall in frigid crystal clear mountain water. Hiking. White water rafting… Travel thrills me! It makes me feel alive.

what I learned from my happiest moments

3. Conversation & Connection: Good conversation and human connection has the same effect on me as travel. There were some amazing moments this past year with people I cherish. How incredible to feel so happy just being given the opportunity to listen and to be heard, to love and be loved. It fills my heart. Without these connections, a large part of my joy would go missing.

4. Accomplishment: And finally, how I love my productive days and meeting goals! I may be confusing accomplishment with happiness here, but damn, I LOVE the way I feel after a good workout, work session or when slashing things off my to-do list. I crave it.

What My Happiest Moments Taught Me

Now that I took the time to reflect and identify what made me happiest in 2016, I know exactly what I need more of in my life in 2017. I need more:

  1. Beach days
  2. Travel
  3. Conversation & Connection
  4. Accomplishments

This is clearly the good stuff in my life that brings me the most joy. I’d be a fool not to seek more of it in my life. And that is what my happiest moments of 2016 taught me… they taught me what to go after.

So ask yourself: “What was your happiest moment this year?” Explore what makes you feel most joyous, most alive. And then, pursue it as if your life depended on it. After all, our life does depend on our happiness.

P.S. And if you want to be asked 364 more thought-provoking questions like this, then order your copy of Questions For Life: Two Year Guided Daily Journal For Intentional Living and begin your daily journaling practice.




A Year In Review & New Year Goals

These past few weeks I have been thinking a lot about the year behind us, and the year before us. This is a wonderful time for reflection and looking to the future. It is a time to reset and refocus. A fresh start for everyone!

new year goals

For many, 2016 was one hell of a tough year. We lost so many treasured people and endured an absolutely volatile election. The jokes about 2016 being so awful will live on long after the year has ended. But I have to say, my 2016 wasn’t so bad.

2016 Highlights

  1. I QUIT SMOKING! As of this writing I am 159 days cigarette-free! Everyone, this has been a goal of mine for over ten years. TEN YEARS!
  2. I got a new car! It’s my first new car, too. It replaced a thirteen year old Ford Focus. So yeah, it’s a big deal.
  3. I published my first book! Questions For Life Two Year Guided Daily Journal For Intentional Living is the product of the four components of my daily practice combined into the perfect tool for the masses. This has been a wonderful experience so far and I am thrilled so many people love the journal.
  4. I traveled to Asheville, NC and had a wonderful time with family. The mountains were where I finally quit smoking and where I got the idea for Questions For Life. The trip was ripe with new experiences and I am grateful to have traveled someplace new.
  5. I built this new website. All by myself, too! This was a very significant blogging goal of mine for 2016.
  6. I got my Mom back. My Mom has been addicted to pain killers for many years and it’s been hard. VERY hard. But she managed to kick her addiction and come back to us all. I thank God every single day for this.

So yeah, not too shabby!

In looking back at last year’s New Year post, I see I didn’t write specific goals for 2016. I set out to continue trying to lose weight and stop smoking, one of which I finally achieved! As for other goals, I realized that so many good things had finally become a part of my routine, my LIFE, that I didn’t find it necessary to write them down as goals. That’s pretty cool. And even without those specific goals, I had a successful year just continuing on this wellness journey. I have learned so much, accumulated more tools, had so many new experiences, and generally have continued to get to know myself better. It was a good year.

I grew in 2016. I don’t think I can ask for much more than that.

2017 New Year Goals

But I want to get specific again for 2017. Lately, some new year goals have been playing through my mind, so I’ve focused in on them and come up with the following list:

  1. Pay off three specific debts.
    • Financial freedom continues to be a major goal of mine. I have identified three specific debts I have aimed to eliminate by the end of 2017.
  2. Complete the first draft of my fiction novel.
    • This is a bold goal, yes. But after barely even touching my novel in 2016, this needs to be a much higher priority.
  3. Establish a healthy morning routine, and maintain it consistently.
    • I still struggle with getting out of bed early and getting to yoga. I will not resolve to work out every morning because it’s not realistic. But I do want to commit to giving myself an hour to journal, meditate, read, write, exercise, etc. I also resolve to NOT let my phone be the first thing I look at every morning. Which leads me to my next goal…
  4. Drastically reduce the amount of time I spend on Facebook/social media.  
    • One of the questions in Questions For Life is: What would your life look like if you never wasted another minute? Without being too specific, I will say that my life would be amazingly productive and I’d have a lot more to show for my time here. My biggest time suck is Facebook. I catch myself mindlessly scrolling through the nonsense and falling down rabbit holes when I could be producing or learning or any number of things that would serve me better.
  5. Continue setting New Moon Intentions each moon cycle with specific 29 day goals.
    • One of the many things I learned in 2016 was how well New Moon Intention-setting works for me. Each new moon, I write down specific intentions which vary cycle to cycle. They include everything from finish reading a book, setting a specific weight goal, not checking social media as soon as I wake up, taking on an extra yoga class, etc. I commit to these intentions at my altar before the Moon and Universe. This holds me much more accountable than simply striving to achieve something by the end of a month. It’s all about finding what works for you. This works for me. So for all 2017 I will set intentions for each new moon, starting with today’s New Moon. I will include in these intentions other goals, as well as mini versions of my larger goals. For example, work on my novel twenty hours during the cycle.
  6. Lose weight
    • For the second consecutive year, I have managed not to gain any weight. That’s great and represents progress. But I still struggle to lose weight. That being said, however, I am ending 2016 weighing six pounds less than I weighed at the end of 2015. It took a year’s worth of cognitive therapy and practice, but I think I’m finally on to something. In 2016 I managed to finally quit smoking. I think 2017 will be the year I finally manage to lose weight…

The Importance of Goal-Setting

Damn, it feels good not to have “quit smoking” among that list. When we set new year goals, we establish benchmarks in which to assess ourselves. By setting goals,new-year-goals we say to ourselves: I resolve for this year not to be the same as the last. I won’t live the same year over and over again and call it a life. I will do things differently. This past year I quit smoking. The sense of achievement when we accomplish our goals is incredibly rewarding.

So take some time and think about what you want this year. Just make sure your new year goals are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based). For example, my goal to lose weight isn’t very SMART. I haven’t specifically committed to a certain number of pounds I aim to lose, but I will in my new moon intentions, so I’m covered.

After you’ve established your annual goals, break them down into smaller, specific chunks. Want to lose 50 pounds? Set a monthly goal to lose five pounds and assess yourself regularly and make adjustments where necessary. Want to quit smoking? Don’t just give up if you have a cigarette. Keep track of how many you have a day/week/month and make your goal to cut that back the next week and the next month. Want to save $1,000? Do the math and finesse your budget and come up with a realistic plan to do so. Goals are nothing without a plan to achieve them.

I love this time of year so much. So much optimism, so much energy. I look forward to continuing this life-changing journey in 2017, and I look forward to sharing it with you. I’d love to hear what some of your goals are for the new year. Please share them in the comments.

And if one of your goals is to minimize, then please join my Third Annual Minimalism Challenge kicking off January 1!

I wish you all a very happy, healthy, and hopeful new year!

Previous New Year Posts:

12/30/2015: A Year Well Spent

12/31/2014: 2014/2015: Looking Back & Looking Ahead








Benefits of A Daily Journaling Practice

Ever since I started a daily journaling practice nearly two years ago I have felt significantly happier and more fulfilled. As a culture, we tend to live for the highlights of life and dwell on the lowlights. The mundane day to day blurs together in one long loop where we don’t recall what we wore or what we ate. But what if we could train our brains to reflect and find joy in every day, to live with more gratitude, and overall live with greater intention? Well, the truth is that we CAN by journaling. With only a few minutes of writing time a day, we can all feel more fulfilled, grateful and happier, which are only some of the benefits of a daily journaling practice. Following are the four components of my daily practice, which I included in the journal I created: Questions For Life: Two Year Daily Guided Journal for Intentional Living, available for sale now.

benefits of a daily journaling practice

The Four Components of my Daily Practice:

Daily Reflection

I love the quote, “Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” That quote literally stopped me in my tracks the first time I read it. I vowed right then and there that I would not live the same year over and over for the rest of my life. So I purchased a 5-year journal with just enough space to jot down a few lines about each day; whatever I deemed significant or worthy of remembrance. Never once has there been nothing to write because life, thoughts, conversations, actions, news, weather, EVERYTHING happens every single day. Through the simple practice of writing down a few lines about each day, I was comforted within days. It was quite clear I was not living the same day over and over.

Now that I’m in my second year of that 5-year journal I love reflecting back on what I did that same day the year before. It’s been so lovely being reminded of things I’ve forgotten that maybe weren’t so significant. Additionally, I love reflecting on progress and changes I’ve made. Just the other day I read for 2015: Had my first “freak out” in a long time. It’s the f***ing cigarettes. I CAN’T smoke even once in a while!

How amazing to be able to follow that up the same day the following year with: I’m 113 days cigarette-free!

This is what I love about comparative journals, which is specifically why Questions For Life is to be used for two years.


Numerous studies show that a daily gratitude practice directly correlates to increased happiness. The rationale is simple: when you express gratitude, you focus on the positive aspects of your life and what you do have, rather than the negative aspects and what you don’t have. I express gratitude every single day. It’s become a habit. Even when I’m angry or annoyed, gratitude has become such a part of my life that I can often stop and change my mindset. For example, is work pissing you off? Well, be grateful you have a job. It can always be worse.

There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for, even if it’s fresh water or access to food. Even if you are having the worst day of your life, you can still be grateful to be alive.

Happiest Moments

Another practice of mine is to write down my single happiest moment from every day. This is not so easy on bad days, believe me. But how incredible when you witness with your own eyes that every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day. Even when I had pneumonia last month I was able to identify my happiest moments (mostly along the lines of wishing something good was on television and seeing that one of my favorite movies just started – that kind of joy.) Not everything is off the charts amazing, but there is joy in every day, even if it’s seeing a puppy on the street, finding a $5.00 bill, or laughing at a good joke.

Think of how much more fulfilling life can be if we paid more attention to the simple joys in life. This practice trains you to notice and acknowledge those happy moments.

Self-Discovery Questions

Another journal I purchased some time ago was a 5-year question a day journal where I answered a different question every day and compared my answers year to year. The questions in this particular journal were random. Some were wonderful and some were just silly, but I enjoyed the concept and found it beneficial. So when I created Questions For Life, I wrote 366 questions focused around goal setting, creativity, relationships, awareness, reflection, and other topics along those lines. Answering questions about our lives, actions, dreams, etc. makes us more self-aware and conscious of the kind of life we want to be living, and whether or not we’re taking the steps to achieve it.

Answering the questions also makes us more accountable. For example, “Did you make good use of your time today?” is a simple question you will find in Questions For Life that can quickly help you realize how you’re not living to your full potential, and where adjustments can be made. Some other questions include: “How can you be a better son/daughter?”; “What risk would you take if you knew you couldn’t fail?”; “Is your life complicated by unnecessary things?”; “Who could you pay more attention to?”; and “Have you ever invested in yourself financially?”

These are only four of the countless ways to approach a daily journaling practice. However, I found that these four components have had a tremendously positive effect on my life and outlook. I also found that keeping a journal with these components is easy and realistic since it doesn’t require a lot of time. Additionally, these components ultimately to help slow life down and break our habit of living highlight to highlight. This results in a fuller, and more fulfilling, life.

You can win a copy of Questions For Life!

Although you don’t need a copy of Questions For Life to begin your practice, it certainly is easier to have a beautifully designed journal complete with monthly motivational quotes ready to go. I am so certain you’ll love it that I am giving away three free copies!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So please, enter for a chance to win and start your own daily journaling practice!

Questions For Life: Two Year Guided Daily Journal coming soon!

Over the course of my wellness and recovery journey, I have developed many beneficial daily habits. For example, every day I make note of my happiest moment, answer a question provided in a daily journal, jot down a few lines about the day in a separate daily journal, and list three things I am most grateful for. I find that these habits combined help me to be more mindful and overall, much happier. This practice helps me take greater pleasure in the ordinary and find something special in every single day. It also helps to slow down time since I’m no longer living solely for life’s highlights.

Over the summer I had the idea to combine all these practices into one two year journal and publish it, so everyone can enjoy it. I am overjoyed to report that Questions For Life: Two Year Guided Daily Journal For Intentional Living is near completion and will be available for purchase soon.

Questions For Life two year guided journal
Cover design by Shelley Shayner (http://shelleyshayner.com/)

From the journal: Do you ever reflect on life and feel like it’s all a blur? The Questions For Life two-year guided daily journal gets you in the habit of slowing down and reflecting on each day while getting to know yourself better by answering self-discovery questions. For each day there is space to reflect, express gratitude, capture your happiest moment, and answer a thought-provoking question. Completing the journal each day, which only takes a few minutes, will soon have you enjoying the simpler things in day to day life, living more intentionally and feeling happier!

This journal is designed so that you can start any time of the year. When you finish a full year, start over! Enjoy reading about the previous year and reflect on how much you’ve grown; see how your answers to the questions have (or haven’t) changed. The questions are intended to help you think about your life (What are you passionate about?), live creatively and pursue your dreams (Are you giving your goals the time they deserve?), evaluate relationships (What do you value most in a friendship?) reflect on whether you’re living with intention and purpose (Did you perform an act of kindness today?), and have some fun (What makes you laugh hardest?).

For anyone interested in slowing down, practicing daily reflection, evaluating their life, and living with intention – this journal is for you!

Can’t wait to start your practice? Join my mailing list now and you will receive November’s journal pages FREE.



